Then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Philippians 2:2
We believe that it is not the Church that has a mission, but that the Mission has a Church! Jesus commissioned every believer to go into the world and make disciples. We are fueled by God’s love, empowered by His Spirit, equipped by His Word to engage in every sphere of our world, representing Jesus and His Gospel of grace!
We have designed our weekend services with the unchurched people in your world in mind. We will guard, protect, and honor that sacred trust!
Candles require candle stands, light bulbs need a socket, and seeds demand soil. God’s House is designed to help every believer stand, shine and grow. Through anointed teaching, life giving community, and by serving on a team we are confident your life will flourish in the God-idea for your life!
The real strength of a tree is in its root system. Healthy roots produce beautiful fruits! It is our intention to see every person set their roots deep into Christ (Col 2:7), His church (1 Cor 12:18), His Word (John 15:7), and the ‘God-track’ for their life. (Acts 20:14)
But blessed is the man who trusts me, GOD, the woman who sticks with God. They’re like trees replanted in Eden, putting down roots near the rivers – Never a worry through the hottest of summers, never dropping a leaf, serene and calm through droughts, bearing fresh fruit every season. Jeremiah 17:7,8
Those who are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing. Psalm 92:13,14
Intentional personal growth is the key to everything. Your capacity in Christ is unlimited, yet sadly for most people it is untapped. Your level of health and growth is the determining factor of the quality of your life and relationships. Our programs, courses, and streams are all designed to put the tools in your hand to create an extraordinary life.
Spiritual growth is neither accidental nor automatic. When we speak of spiritual growth, we understand that it is primarily our faith in God that grows. We see Rescue Life Mission as God’s greenhouse. Spiritual growth happens through five faith catalysts. They are:
Our vision is to be one church meeting in many locations. That will require a company of people who have discovered the heavenly treasure within them, God’s path for life, and an abandon to the call to follow Jesus. We imagine a church filled with passionate people who have built their lives on the Words of Jesus and whose hearts are set to fill the earth with the knowledge of His grace!
We can only have as many ministries, outreaches, and Connect Groups as we have leaders. Leaders are lifters, producers, and agents of change. Leadership is the lid. By providing on-going training through courses, conferences, practical experience, your effectiveness can be amplified. The purpose of the leadership in the church is to equip the body to become world changers. (Ephesians 4:11-17)